A plantar wart is a common skin growth that is caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). Its presence can make walking and standing painful. It can also make people feel self-conscious and ashamed of their feet.
Fortunately, warts can be treated to prevent them from becoming more serious. Treatment options include over-the-counter products and procedures that a Columbus Foot Doctor may perform.
Home Treatment: Salicylic Acid
Most drug stores sell salicylic acid preparations without a prescription. They come in gel, liquid or plaster (pad) form. Applying salicylic acid to your plantar warts daily or at night can help eliminate them over time.
Before using a product that contains salicylic acid, soak the affected area for five minutes to soften the wart. This helps the treatment to sink in more effectively, says Susan Lobkova, MD, a podiatrist at Progressive Foot Care.
Dry the area and then apply the product to the wart. Repeat until the wart is gone.
If the wart continues to grow after you've tried at-home treatments, ask your healthcare provider about other options. Your provider may suggest freezing the wart or laser therapy.
Surgery: Electrosurgery, curettage, and laser surgery are other surgical methods that your healthcare provider can perform to remove a plantar wart. This procedure is often viewed as a last resort and can be painful, but it can eliminate a wart that hasn't responded to other therapies.
Non-prescription Cryotherapy: Using liquid nitrogen to freeze a wart is another effective way to get rid of it. It's best if you have your healthcare provider freeze the wart for you, but you can try to do it at home as well.
Your doctor may recommend using a pumice stone, callus file or emery board to gently remove the top dead layers of skin. Do not rub the wart off as this could cause irritation and increase the risk of the wart's regrowth. View here for more detailed information if you have been asking, What are Plantar Warts.
Before you apply any treatment, it's important to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully. If the medicine causes your skin to peel or become red or swollen, stop using it immediately. Your dermatologist may advise you to change the ointment or pad every 8 to 48 hours to prevent infection.
Use a protective bandage or pad to cover the treatment area when not in use. This will protect the area from direct contact with other people and prevent warts from spreading to other parts of your body.
Keep your feet clean and dry to minimize the spread of the virus that causes warts. Avoid walking barefoot on surfaces where the wart virus is likely to be alive, such as swimming pools or locker rooms. Wear shower shoes when going to these places.
Avoid touching your warts with your hands, as this could spread the HPV virus to other parts of your body. Wash your hands thoroughly after touching the affected area.
You should also avoid picking at, scratching, or rubbing your warts with anything that might be contaminated with the virus, such as an emery board or nail clipper. To get more information in relation to this topic, open this link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wart.